Oct 15
Inclusionary Zoning & Developer Impact Fees
We call on our elected officials to demand Governor Jerry Brown sign an amendment to Costa Hawkins to allow for inclusionary zoning in all California cities, and to pass immediate substantial Developer Impact fees that can produce the equivalent of at least 30% affordable housing in new developments. To ensure that the cultural and economic diversity we all love about Oakland can stay here, we advocate that at least 15% of new units are accessible to 40% & below AMI, and that at least 15% of new units are accessible to 40%-80% AMI.
Use 50% of Boomerang Funds for Affordable Housing
he City should increase the percent of proceeds received from former redevelopment funds from 25% to 50% to increase the number of affordable units that can be built.
Mandate At Least 50% New Development Around Transit to Be Affordable
s studies have shown, low-income residents use public transit more and market-rate developments around transit increase car usage. Therefore, at least 50% of new development around BART and AC Transit hubs should be held for affordable housing at 80% AMI or below. Oakland’s Fruitvale Village is a national model for equitable transit-oriented development without displacement, and Oakland should continue leading this important work.
Public Land for Public Good
Allocate un-used lands and properties currently supported by public tax dollars to affordable housing or mixed-usage for public good. This includes working with the Oakland Housing Authority to ensure that the 2530 9th Avenue property currently for sale and all properties purchased with public tax dollars remain affordable housing units.
Fund the Down Payment Assistance & First time Homebuyer Programs
Ensure that down payment assistance programs targeted to long-time Oakland residents to be able to purchase their homes are funded at levels that actually enable low-income and middle-income residents to buy homes in the Oakland market.
Protect Tenants Rights
We call on city government to implement a strong rent control ordinance. Oakland’s Rent Adjustment law was written by landlords to preference landlords in the majority of cases. We call for a revisiting of Rent Adjustment process to ensure that tenants rights are being protected, including more than 2 seats of the Rent Board held for tenants, as homeowners often side with landlords and the burden of proof put on the landlord rather than the tenant. We also call for the implementation of the Tenant Protection Ordinance to be funded through public attorney assistance for tenants, because tenants most of the time cannot afford lawyers to file cases in superior court. All landlords should be required to provide a copy of Tenant Rights laws with all tenants, or be charged fines that go to funding the Tenant Protection Ordinance.
Pass an Anti-Speculation Tax
To prevent further displacement of residents for flipping houses and properties for profit, the City should implement a higher tax on for-profit corporations that buy foreclosed properties or buyout current residents to make a profit. This should include any companies using services like AirBnB to take rental units permanently off the market for more profitable use by short-term visitors.
Revise Accessory Dwelling Unit Policy
Cities across the nation are revising policies to allow for more smart density in cities as the country re-urbanizes. The City Council should pass an ordinance that allows homeowners to add accessory units on their open land, including allowing tiny homes and easing parking restrictions with the understanding that more and more residents are biking and taking public transit.
Moratorium on Evictions & Rent Increases for 2 Years
To stabilize the housing market in this moment, we call on city government to pass and implement a moratorium on evictions and rent increases for 2 years, or until the Housing Equity Roadmap is fully implemented, to prevent further displacement of residents.
We ask you now to take these bold stops, and to not be timid, in this critical small window of time that we have right now to save Oakland’s diversity.
We call on our elected officials to stop giving developers whatever they want because they tell you that no one will develop in Oakland if you place restrictions on them. Oakland is at the hub of a very profitable economy, and people will continue to build here. It is your responsibility to the residents to ensure that Oakland is built and developed as an inclusive and equitable city.
As of 10-21-2015