Committee Chair – Sharon
Planning for school sites must be a collaborative process among stake holders at all levels. School Site Councils (SSCs) and English Language Advisory Councils (ELACs), which by law include teachers, parents, other community representatives, and administrators, must be empowered to make decisions on curriculum and spending priorities in accordance with the OUSD Strategic plan and the new Local Control Accountability Plan. Appropriate training in relevant languages is essential to this process.
To assure that the views and decisions reached at the school site level are transmitted to all levels of District policy makers, the District Advisory Council (DAC), w and the District Language Advisory Council (DLAC) which represent SSCs and ElACs, must be strengthened.
Much more needs to be done throughout the District to establish:
- stable leadership,
- equal access to a high quality education to maximize positive impact on all communities,
- better fiscal accountability,
- and operational transparency
The legally required (at least) 55% of District funding must go to the classrooms in the form of teacher and aide salaries.
The District must seize the opportunity offered by the introduction of national “Common Core” standards to introduce curriculum that is analytically based, relevant to students, and utilizes teacher creativity. For this fundamental shift to succeed the District must provide relevant professional development and planning time for which teachers and aides and other classroom personnel are compensated. In addition, appropriate curriculum materials must be available.
We call for a moratorium on the establishment of any more charter schools in the District. Of the over 100 Oakland schools, over 40 are already charter schools. Research has shown that charter schools do not provide equal access to all students, are anti-union and non-transparent in their educational practices, are exempt from public accountability, are hastening the racial re-segregation of schools, and are increasingly controlled by private interests.
OUSD must commit to having public schools throughout the District and must cease all efforts to privatize education in Oakland.
Increase the adult to student ratio in each Oakland school.
The teachers and other school employees of OUSD are the essential source of high quality education for our students. We support the unions’ efforts to ensure positive working conditions and benefits. All employees must be guaranteed due process and equitable and effective evaluations.