Jun 17
If we want the Police Commission to function as we intended – efficiently, effectively and INDEPENDENTLY- we need to stand up and urge the Public Safety Committee to accept our amendments which Noel Gallo will carry. Speakers should identify whose district they live in and what organization they represent (if any).
Each one, bring one (or two or three!!!)— everyone should sign up to speak on item 8.
You can sign up here. Even if you’d rather not speak, sign up so so you can cede time to someone who needs more time, but we should have at least 25 speakers and we should PACK THE ROOM!
You can read our substitute ordinance (Kalb’s + our changes) Coalition Substitute Ordinance 6.13.17 LB 6-8 in legislative language. Changes are highlighted in gray and underline. You can also read the amendments Comparison of Kalb.Gallo and Coalition Ord in order to focus on the main points.
The meeting is set to begin at 5:00 pm in hearing room 1 – our item will probably not be called until 6:00 pm.