Jun 16
Here is the text of a letter we received calling on BBBON to join the movement:
Dear Allies:
Our City is under siege and has been since Libby Schaaf took office. Backed by large developers and private interests, she has moved with impunity while destroying and displacing communities of color in Oakland. Also since her election as Oakland’s mayor, the community has resisted her policies and practices with a myriad of beautiful tactics, actions and strategies.
Now, Oakland is losing thousands of families per month to displacement, the Police Department is embroiled in yet another scandal and businesses like Uber are moving into our city without almost no accountability. The Anti Police-Terror Project, Black Power Network, ACCE Action, East Bay Organizing Committee (EBOC/Fight for 15). The East 12th Coalition and others invite you to a march & action to ReClaim our city and continue Oakland’s resistance that will be part of a larger “week of actions’ beginning on Monday, June 13th.
What: March & action to ReClaim Oakland to demand: immediate protections for renters, redirecting City money to protect low wage workers & public education around connection between police terror, displacement and the impact on our schools/young people. This will be a culminating event that’s part of a larger “week of actions” beginning on Monday, June 13th
When: Friday, June 17th gathering @ 3pm/march begins at 3:30
Where: Meet @ E. 12th Parcel (diagonally across from 1200 Lakeshore Avenue on the estuary off Lake Merritt) We will be rallying @ the E. 12th space and marching downtown to lift up our demands
The week will target the repressive policies and practices of the Schaaf administration and fight back against private interests and large developers who are displacing our families and driving up rents. Our plan is to focus on:
– Pressuring the City Council to extend the housing moratorium
– Building pressure to place the Oakland Renter Protection Act measure on the November ballot
– Public education campaign around the connection between police terror, displacement and the impact on our schools/young people.
-Demands for community benefits including good jobs, affordable housing, and community stability to ensure that new development serves existing residents and workers.
We encourage you to share this far & wide and please RSVP by responding to this email if you will be able to attend.
In solidarity,
Black Power Network
Anti-Police Terror Project
ACCE Action
East Bay Organizing Committee (Fight for 15)
Since this arrived as an attachment, the RSVP address was lost. Best bet is to go to Google to find the sponsor’s web sites for more information and to respond.